Go from Selfless to SELF-YES!

It's time to say YES to YOU!

Hi there, I’m Kandy. I’m a proud mom to three amazing people who have taught me as much as I’ve taught them and a grandma to nine β€˜Grands’ who keep me young. Every laugh with them is a reminder of what we’re all striving for - joy, connection, and love.

I have spent most of my life prioritizing everyone else’s needs and desires over my own, a pattern that intensified after I became a nurse. I had what I call the breakdown I needed to recognize how broken I was in 2021 after I found myself completely burned out. Realizing that I could no longer pour from an empty cup, and that profound change was needed, I reached out to a coach for help and embarked on a journey of self-discovery.

It was during this intense, sometimes painful journey, that I discovered the magic of self-care and self-love. This realization transformed my mindset and my life. I learned to say Yes to ME!

Selfless to Self-Yes was born out of a desire to help women like you experience the power of transformation that I have. I intend to create a space where we can explore what it means to put your happiness and well-being first.

It’s time to say YES to YOU! Are you ready?

We all tend to put others first, but in doing so, we can sometimes neglect our relationship with ourselves. Let me be your advocate and show you a kinder, gentler way to treat the most important person in your life.

The most important relationship you will ever have is the one you have with yourself. Cultivate it with kindness, nurture it with self-compassion, and watch yourself bloom.

Offering 1:1 Coaching & Hypnosis

Work directly with Kandy to define your goals, face your barriers, and receive tailored steps for lasting change.

Coaching is very personal and the decision to invest in yourself is a powerful first step.

For this reason, I offer a complimentary session to all prospective clients. This is a relaxed opportunity to explore working together and see if we’re a good fit for 1:1 coaching, with no pressure or obligation.

In addition to standard coaching methods, hypnosis includes personalized recordings for faster results.

Selfless to Self-YES! PODCAST!

Are you ready to shift from burnout and overwhelm to reconnecting with your sense of self and prioritizing your own needs?

Join Kandy every two weeks as she shares her journey and expertise. Through personal stories and expert insights, she guides listeners from surviving to thriving, burnout to bliss, and from selflessness to Self-Yes!

If you are a woman yearning to reconnect with yourself and prioritize your needs, this podcast is for you!

The Good Vibe Tribe

The Good Vibe Tribe is a community of remarkable women dedicated to living authentically, supporting one another, and actively participating in the journey of self-discovery.

Our monthly meetings provide a safe space where you will feel a connection with others as we discuss topics that help us achieve our shared goal of living our most amazing lives. You’ll learn about the importance of self-love, self-care, boundaries, core values and so much more.

While there is no limit to the number of women who join the Facebook Page, meetings are limited to 10 to allow everyone the chance to be seen and heard. The Good Vibe Tribe is one of the ways I love to serve, and there is no investment other than your time to participate.

Sign up for a free copy of my:

5 Steps to Setting Healthy Boundaries for a Balanced Life

Want to see if we’re a good fit? Let's hop on a 30-minute, no-obligation, no-pressure Complimentary Coaching Alignment Consult.

Schedule your Coaching Consult HERE!